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Rabea Brauer

Country Representative, Japan, Director of Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS), KAS Japan


RabeaBrauer started her career at the State Government of Thuringia, Germany where she served as Spokeswomen of the Ministry of Interior for three years until 2002. On behalf of her State Government and the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS), she implemented an administrative reform project funded by the EU in Cambodia. In 2005 she joined the European Commission as Head of Section for Good Governance & Democracy at the EU Delegation to Cambodia where she was also responsible for the funding to the Khmer Rouge Tribunal at the ECCC. After four years with the Commission she moved to KAS to represent the foundation in Cambodia and Vietnam. In 2016 RabeaBrauer was called to KAS Headquarter to lead the Department Asia & Pacific in Berlin, Germany. She was responsible for 23 offices in Asia and Pacific and has published a number of articles on China, the US-Asia relation, the South China See conflict and on the Mekong River politics. Since August 2019 she represents KAS in Japan and also directs the Regional Economic Programme Asia (SOPAS). Rabea Brauer holds Master Degrees in Political Science, American Studies, and EU Law from Universities in Germany and the US.

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