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Ipsita Kathuria

Founder and CEO

of TalentNomics India



Ipsita is a seasoned HR and Talent Management professional with more than 30 years of work experience. She Founded Talentnomics India in 2015 with a vision to reimagine the leadership canvas of South Asia with equal representation of women. She has spent a decade in various Senior Management Roles within the Human Resources Department at the International Monetary Fund Headquarters in Washington D.C. Earlier, she held leadership positions in both the public and private sector in India.

She has extensive experience in performance management, talent management, succession management, leadership development, change management and diversity and inclusion.



Our Purpose


To start, fuel and nurture an ever-growing, UNSTOPABBLE…  ripple of change…

Towards creating an Equitable World –  EQUIVERSE





We envision Impactful and Influential Women in Leadership Roles, who have Equal representation as well as Equal Voice, across sectors in Asia






To provide a road map, the tools and know-how to create an enabling ecosystem for women to get equal opportunities for attaining leadership positions



Let’s build a world of equals-

Equal opportunity to dream,

Equal access to education,

Equal rights to aspire 

Equal freedom to choose.


Let not gender decree that she may succeed

Or set limits to her reach.

Let not gender dictate the path she takes

the words she speaks,

the clothes she wears,

the friends she makes.


Let’s give her the space to breathe

To speak up and even laugh out loud. 

With sights set high, let her soar to the skies

Let’s be the wind beneath her wings.


Her time has come

May we see her shine

In companies and board rooms,

Leading countries, commanding troops,

Exploring space and winning the race.


It’s time for us all to lend a hand

To start a ripple, even a tiny one

To usher in ‘an equiverse’

Where it no longer seems strange

to be seen in equal numbers, with equal voice

Gracing every sphere of our space.


- Ipsita Kathuria

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The Ripple of Change


What we do


TalentNomics India is a non-profit organisation working towards building a more sustainable world by creating a gender equal universe - an Equiverse. 


The fastest path to getting there is through empowering more women to become leaders and leading to gender parity at leadership.


We are dedicated to taking actions that will help grow the pool of women leaders and have adopted a holistic and integrated approach for creating an ecosystem that promotes and supports women to succeed and lead organizations across all sectors of the economy.


To incubate future women leaders, our platform offers multifaceted learning and networking opportunities to women, provides support to leaders and guides organizations in their endeavour to build diverse teams. We leverage the best available global leadership talent to offer programs that deliver tangible outcomes.

We follow a 4C approach to transform the ecosystem by growing the network of Capable, Confident, Credible & Connected women leaders, and influencing the Capacity, Convergence, Culture and Collaboration within organisations.


We see ourselves as influential change agents to support and guide women on their professional journey. We also conduct original research as well as provide a platform to show-case innovative approaches, share and learn from best practices as well as facilitate thought provoking discussions to influence and lead the journey towards gender parity at leadership levels.


We are also on the way to building a Global network of organizations to reimagine women leadership collaboratively.



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