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Ipsita Kathuria

Founder & CEO,
TalentNomics India


Ipsita has over 30 years of experience in public and private sectors in India and then in the International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC. She took early retirement from the IMF to address her deep desire to empower women professionals invoked by first-hand observations of privileges and inequalities in the workplace, globally, and the struggle of talented women to reach their aspirations. She, with an ex-colleague from IMF, gave shape to this vision and founded TalentNomics. The name TalentNomics reflects the leveraging of talent with both genders equally represented, to achieve the best business outcomes and better world for all. They decided to start with the talent at the top to build a strong community of change makers and maximize the ripple effect. Ipsita focused on influencing change in the Indian and South Asian region through TalentNomics India. In the last 6 years, TalentNomics India has empowered potential women across multiple sectors to become leaders, created a strong network of change makers and influenced who are eager to support the leadership journey of women.

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